2. 1. The convergence in buyer preferences in countries around the world is referred to as [{Blank}]. b. You can practice these questions before the exam. There are many firms in the industry. ii. Describe how resources are allocated in a market economy. c. an equitable distribution of goods and services. In a market economy, prices: A) reflect the value of a good to society. B. only money matters. Which of the following statements is false? Should p... Are clearly defined property rights the foundation of capitalism? The (blank) tends to have a smaller public sector relative to the total economy. B) reflect the cost to society of making the good. What is the economic system used in Russia? Explain why, in assessing the economic effects of trade, it is important to explain how international trade affects the rate of technological change. We have provided Money and Banking Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. c) have the same effect as an import ban. b. rely on market prices and individual decision-making to yield efficient outcomes. This quiz will test your knowledge and make you aware of types of economy … This situation can be best described a... a. b. decisions by individuals to satisfy their own self-interest. Describe the benefits. Create an account to browse all assets today, Biological and Biomedical Explain the global benefits of international trade and multinational corporations. What are some biblical principles that apply to pricing and allocation of products? What are some unintended consequences of price control? How many o... What kind of economic systems invite corruption and tax evasion? What type of economic policy does this theory call for? In a market system, which of the following enables owners to employ or dispose of their property and money as they see fit? Economics systems differ according to which two main characteristics? If the firm is being operated so as to maximize shareholder wealth, and if our basic assumptions concerning the relationship between risk and return are true, then which of the following should be... Identify the advantages and disadvantages of free market economies. b. relevant spending limits. Get help with your Economic systems homework. It has 40 questions with detailed explanation for all the answers. Relating to economics, define economic system. How may the government address the problems of a free market economy? Is the economic system we've adopted the most productive one in today's world? Browse through all study tools. MEDIUM. How can firms maximize profits? C. the government... Economic systems differ from one another based on who own the factors of production and A. how much resources are available in the economy and where they are located. Unique risk c. Unsystematic risk d. With a correlation of 1.0, no risk will be reduced. d) The domestic government. Given that ABC stock has a required or expected rate of return of 15%, the average market return... Angela spends all her money on magnetometers and food. A. A characteristic of the market system is A. extensive use of direct methods of production. Go ahead and submit it to our experts to be answered. combining aspects of both capitalism and socialism. Household Behaviour. The price of pizza is $20 and the price of tacos is $10. III. Suppose that there are two factors, capital and land, and that the United States is relatively land endowed while the European Union is relatively capital-endowed. The Big Lebowski Full Movie Online, Brackenridge Park Trail Map, Where Does Natalie Macmaster Live, Simplehuman Soap Canada, Regina Red Sox Live Score, Brett Favre Hand Size, Best Hydraulic Cement, Cheese Puns Reddit, Stump Speech Template, Lori Allen Daughter, " />

economic system questions and answers

What is barter? See COVID19 Economic Recovery Planning Middle Class Economic Questions What You Should Know About Government In an economic system, what does a command system do? Why does redistribution cause efficiency losses? Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal If the units of pizza consumed per month is on t... Why do most economists oppose attempts to control prices? B. a. a downward shift in the W... What was the motivation for China to transition into a more market-based economy? Software Gets the Job Done M 8 802.11 protocol. A democratic form of government. Under which economic system would factors of production most likely be owned by the government? Which of the following is an assumption of monopolistic competition? Cite the major reasons for government involvement in a market economy. B. similar in that they are both basically market systems. Clearly define capitalism from the book Capitalism from Paul Bowles. Draw her budget line. b. few leaders. b. Risk that can be eliminated through diversification is called [{Blank}] risk. c. central planners. b. Capitalist. Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQ) on Financial Market for Civil Services Examinations Question 1 : In the parlance of economy/commerce, what is “gilt-edged” market? A basic set of rules for allocating resources to satisfy its citizens' needs is called a) a monetary system. This may be through a simple barter exchange or in more advanced economies through cash payments. b. society's legal system. C. close to 30 percent. TRUE or FALSE. In this economic system the government makes all economic decisions & owns most of the property . Pure capitalism b. You can learn and practice to improve your General Knowledge skills in Economics to improve your performance in various Exams like PSC, SSC, Bank and Govt Exams. Globalization changes the dynamics of projects and adds a layer of complexity. A) Identifying key external factors B) Summing t... What is the difference between a free market and a planned economy? Countries will export a good when they have a [{Blank}] advantage. a.) Market Price C. Command D. contest. In a market economy, customers and businesses must contend with a great deal of government interference. Chapter 05. Describe a pure market economy, and identify its problems. In a market economy, economic activities are guided by a. the government. You fear that the market is going too poorly, and woul... Marc's income is $20 a month. Discuss the importance of conflict and accommodation to the development of international system. What is the difference between Trade vs. Aid? Politics Quiz 16-30. c) China. Here are some possibilities. The geographic-diversified firm must ensure that the benefits of being international outweigh the added costs of the ________ necessary to support its non-domestic operations. c. do not allow a ro... Semitool Corp has an expected excess return of 5% for next year. (A) J. K. Mehta (B) Marshall (C) Adam Smith (D) Robbins Ans : (C-Adam Smith) 3. The price system A. sends signals to producers. C. the three basic economic questions are addressed. Which of the following statements is not correct? Suppose it turns out the econom... Do you agree with this statement? ii. Describe how international trade affects economic well-being. Analyze how each type of systems answers the three economic questions and meets the broad social and economic goals of freedom, security, equity, growth, efficiency, price stability, full employment, … Discuss the application of the system theory to the ethnic conflicts in Nigeria. A) Qp = 15 - 11Qm... What are the warning signs for each and how can they be prevented in Fire Dynamics? Sixteen Questions and about Twelve Answers Alan S. Blinder Princeton University and Promontory Financial Group July 2006 Paper presented at the Banco de España Conference on “Central Banks in the 21st Century,” Madrid, June 8-9, 2006. The basic principles of economics suggest that a. markets are seldom, if ever, a good way to organize economic activity. In a market economy, the link between productivity and income p... Leyla consumes goods X and Y. c) There is no economic freedom. The size of the economic pie is fixed, and therefore it will be unaffected by income transfers. d. mostly by the government, partly by capitalists, a... An economy with government involvement in the provision of social welfare benefits combined with relatively free markets where buyers and sellers are allowed to interact with one another would be a... Identify Coca-Cola's key facts about short-run economic fluctuations and how the economy in the short-run differs from the economy in the long-run. An economic system is a social system in which: A. institutions matter very little. Get help with your Economic system homework. What are the basic problems of the economic system? Discuss the difference between a Flashover and a Backdraft in fire dynamics? The risk that increasing oil prices will hurt the profitability of one's firm is an example of a systematic risk. Scott has a budget of $300. a. freedom of enterprise b. freedom of choice c. barter d. the invisible... What social and economic goals in a command economic system would be missing from a pure market economic system? C.... Is the market associated with going back to college to find a better job one of perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, or monopoly? Prices at home and abroad b. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of international trade. 1
The Basic Economic Questions
All economic systems that have ever existed or will ever exist have to answer some basic questions. Economics. The United States still imports oil but has a plentiful agricultural output and through exchange with ___ nations (who often have a shortage of food) mutual benefit can be gained. Has it been a positive or negative impact? Suppose the U.S. government redistributes income from the rich to the poor. The economies of North Korea and Cuba are A. similar in that they are both basically command systems. Does government ownership cause inefficiency? A. What type of economy does this suggest? If the world price under free trade is $10, then this country: a) produces 10 of the good domestic... What is market economy? What are the measures countries can take to boost their national competitiveness? i. What is exactly Bowles's argument and how successful is he explaining it in his book Capitalism by Paul Bowles? ________ refers to the flow of goods and services, capital, and knowledge across country borders. What are the advantages and disadvantages of fair trade? e) is the ability to engage in voluntary t... 1) True or False: A company that changes its products package sizes, prices, and promotional messages to meet the local markets tastes is using a standardization marketing strategy. In classical political economy, the economic system is divided in two classes: a. landlords and serfs b. Capitalist and worker c. rich and poor d. upperclass and lowerclass. Access the answers to hundreds of Economic system questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. Important questions on Economical Systems And Sectors Of India. Discuss supply-side economics and the opposite side of it. Consider the following statements. Modified capitalism b. What are the main characteristics of capitalism? Waiting to open a factory in a country that has just had a government coup exaggerates that economic shock due to _____. Given limited resources of labour, raw materials and time, economic agents have to decide what to produce. Return to the initial readings, from the first module, of Walt Whitman and of the New Eden statement regarding a global ethic. A. What is the United States' economic system and what are the characteristics of this economy? A. globalization of production, B. diversity, C. commercialization, D. outsourcing, E. globalization... An investor desires to own a stock whose price moves no greater than 50% versus the overall market. Private sector does not supply public goods. a) There are costs to doing business by using the market. Which countries are considered to have the strongest economic systems? Important questions on Economical Systems And Sectors Of India. Some of the answers also have video resources that will help you understand the key points in a step by step manner. If Singapore sells a good or service overseas then which of the following is likely to follow? Explain how international trade affects economic well-being. a. D. All of the options are true about the price system. The price of good X is Px and the price of good Y is Py, Leyla s income is I. When a society increases consumption of consumer goods and reduces production of capital goods, a. the less the society can consumer in the future. A. mixed B. traditional C. command D. market. Explain. B. a national big-box store, such as Target or Walmart. Which statements are consistent with his argument? c. communism. The first bundle has 1 unit of good 1 and 4 units of good 2. Why do economists oppose policies that restrict trade among nations? Do countries benefit more from Trade or Aid? D. government does not exist. Solved: An economic system must answer four fundamental questions. What are some biblical principles that apply to pricing and allocation of products? b) Critics of the welfare system argue that it breaks up families. Suppose a budget line is drawn with X on the horizontal axis and Y on the vertical axis. D. All of the options are true about the price system. Resources are scarce. A. Suppose the economy was experiencing a negative real shock and high unemployment and high inflation at the same time. The U.S. economy may most accurately be characterized as: a. a pure market system b. a mixed system dominated by market features c. a mixed system dominated by command features d. a mixed system do... What are the problems associated with the disassembling of a public (socialist) system back to a market (private) system? Questions about supply and demand and economic … The term _ is used to describe circumstances where government takes over ownership of a business. B. a focus on labor, as opposed to capital resources. What is an example of an economic system that is not capitalist, not centrally planned, and not a mixture of the two? Provide a couple of real-world examples of this. True or false? Father Time tells us that systematic risk is considered important because A. the risk premium on an asset is determined by its systematic risk B. the market does not provide a reward for this type... Are all exchanges or trades beneficial to both parties in the ex-post position? Are there any modern alternatives to capitalism and socialism? Why do the efforts of foreign scientists and engineers contribute much more to labor productivity and economic growth than the exertions of foreign sports stars? In an economic system, what does a command system do? Can't find the question you're looking for? How do hunters and gatherers view rights to land? The main functions of markets include _____. Check all that apply. Each has its own distinguishing characteristics, although they all share some basic features. I … Chapter 09. Diversification can reduce or eliminate [{Blank}] risk. B. who makes decisions regard... State true or false and justify your answer: All nations must decide how to answer the three economic questions about the production and distribution of goods. Joy, who has an income of $40, can spend her income on 2 different goods, smoothies and energy bars. C. Foreign Banks in India. Services, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. © copyright 2003-2021 Study.com. False. They both pack bags for distribution and make sandwiches. True or false? c. protection of domestic industries. What is the specific factor model in international economics? Economic System The set of mechanisms and institutions that resolves the what, how, and for whom questions for an economy. Consider the market for India Pale Ales, the iconic style of craft beer. An increase in Marsha's income will a. shift her budget line to the right. i. Which type of economy is better: a free market economy or a planned economy? In which Jacob Clifford and Adriene Hill teach you about Economic Systems and Macroeconomics. Discuss the level of involvement from both in healthcare. b. mixed economy c. socialist market economy. The current level of the S&P 500 is 1200. b. d) increases consumer prices. How might AIDS be seen as a political economy issue as opposed to a behavioral or biomedical issue? d. "si... What are the basic problems of the economic system? 1. Access the answers to hundreds of Economic system questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. a. Investing in two assets with a correlation coefficient of -0.5 will reduce what kind of risk? How are the fundamental economic decisions determined in Canada? In a capitalist system, the decisions and actions of millions of consumers and firms are highly coordinated by A. the state and government. B. b. b) a free market system. Economy Quiz 2021: Find Indian Economy Questions Answers, Indian Economy Quiz 2021, Economy Quiz for Banking Examinations, MBA, Civil Services Exam and other Competitive Exams c. individuals' pursuit of self-interest.... Market economies are distinguished from other types of economies largely on the basis of a. the political affiliations of government officials. b. Chapter 08. Elasticity of Demand and Supply. Heilbroner notes that we have shifted away from tradition and command economies. Systematic risk represents: a. none of the options given b. risk that is diversifiable c. unique risk d. diversifiable risk e. risk that is not diversifiable, Explain why the state must perform the redistribution function. Explain your answer making reference to money mark... Hitler's Germany was an example of a _____ economic system. 2) Overnight repo option has a one-day maturity transaction period in the money market. C. central planning. B. It is often seen that between two trading partners, one country (typically the developing country) has lower wages than the other country (typically the developed country). Why will digital data processing based centrally planned economy supersede the invisible hand? Three basic types of economic system have arisen: that based on the principle of tradition, that based on central planning and command, and that based on the market. A. The major shortcoming of a barter economy is A. the requirement of a double coincidence of wants. Think of any topic that you want to analyze. Cookies cost $2 per cup, and coffee costs $1 per cup. The price of good X is P_X and the price of good Y is P_Y. What are the economics of the Amazon Dash Button? In 2016, the USA has which type of economic system? In the two-country economy, countries can have different autarky relative prices because of a A. difference in the endowments. Answer: The Althing. What does the term, political economy, truly mean? c) an economic system. What are the effects of government policies that restrict international trade? In a short essay, describe the negative effects to the economy when a government intervenes in international trade. Here are some possibilities. A) What is a market economy? V. Free Classics on line 1984 to The Worldly Philosophers. Consider whether the pluralist vision for American society first enunc... "Scarcity implies that some way of rationing goods must be found." Why do economies like ours use both businesses (the free market) and the government to make our economic decisions? Chapter 04. Is a mix between capitalism and socialism better than each individual belief, or is socialism wrong and only just capitalism would work? Also, who gains and who loses from free trade among countries, and how do the gains compare to the losses? It's beta is 0.8 and the market's variance is 600bpts. The goal of diversification is to eliminate: a) Total risk b) The market risk premium c) Systematic risk d) Unsystematic risk. In a market economy, economic activity is guided by: a) The government, b) Central planners, c) Large businesses, d) Prices and self-interest. Chapter 03. OR What are the four factors of production and explain with… You are a business consultant providing information and advice to future small business owners. Discuss the volume of international trade, and explain the role government and chance play in the growth of international trade. In a mixed economy, choices are made a. mainly by the government, but somewhat by the market. A ________ economy is one in which resources are primarily owned and controlled by the private sector. Can't find the question you're looking for? C. Free market. Browse from thousands of Economics questions and answers (Q&A). Explain the law of demand. a. While some consumers... Do you feel that focusing on our comparative advantages, as a nation, will enable us to grow stronger, economically, in the face of globalization? What is dynamic (intertemporal) efficiency? This automated system will reduce human errors and redundancy of work in crediting salary into the employee’s account thus reducing expenditure to the company. per unit tax) on good X affect the budget line of a consumer? d) affects only poor people. d. lower opportunity costs of do... A consumer has $200 per month to be spent on books (good B) and DVDs (good D). Voluntary export restraints: a) violate the spirit of international trade agreements. How soon? In classical political economy, the economic system is divided in two classes: a. landlords and serfs b. Capitalist and worker c. rich and poor d. upperclass and lowerclass. This video goes over the 3 economic questions and the different types of goods. Which of the Principles of Economics does welfare economics explain more fully? Define natural monopolies. Japan is a major trading partner of the United States. c. Explain the law of supply: 1. Indicate whether the statement is true or false. A. Capitalist B. Fascist C. Communist D. Socialist. b. society's legal system. “Economics is the Science of Wealth” who gave this definition ? Which are the biggest problems, in your opinion, that our current economic model has? State true or false and justify your answer: A market economy cannot produce a socially desirable outcome because individuals are motivated by their own selfish interests. Question Number Answer Level 1 Head Reference for Answer Difficulty 1 b. RAM. Does the invisible hand always work to generate the "best" economic outcome? The Nature of Economics. Capitalism gets its name from the fact that capital resources are mostly A. owned by the state or government. Explain the following concepts in detail. State one benefit of international trade not related to price. D. A and C. E. All of the above. What fits human nature better? The scarcity problem, for example, requires answers to basic questions, such as what to produce, how to produce it and who gets what is produced. Today most previously planned ec... Economic systems can be evaluated in two ways. Connecting Over Networks M 9 False. Explain the mechanics and institutions of international trade and their impact on macro economy. Which of the following institutions would most likely help resolve trade disputes between two countries? Own the FOP and answer the 3 economic questions Voluntary exchange of goods/services driven by self-interest (free market) Motivated by profit; firms make what consumers want (free enterprise) Advantages: Freedom provides incentives and wide variety of g/s; efficient Disadvantages: Only resources used are rewarded and unequal income distribution Three basic types of economic system have arisen: that based on the principle of tradition, that based on central planning and command, and that based on the market. A) need substantial interaction with an organization's customers B) offer much higher pay in comparison with other non-service jobs C)... What are the three issues strongly influencing business in the twenty-first century? What do you think? Is communism based on autocracy or oligarchy? iii. Chapter 08. 2. In an economy in which decisions are guided by prices and individual self-interest, there is a. the potential to achieve efficiency in production. Besides, financing, instigating, or creating funds financial markets play an important role between nations i... Any economic system: A. can eliminate scarcity. What changes (if any) are you making to deal with the changes? Investing in two assets with a correlation coefficient of 1.0 will reduce which kind of risk? Free markets (Laissez Faire) vs Mixed economy? There are a great many craft beer producers, each with their own distinct methods, style, and branding. MCQ Questions for Class 12 Economics with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. Which group creates regulations in mixed-market economies? D. more than 150 percent. Current economic models developed out of the broader field of political economy in the late 19th century. What is the difference between a command economy and mixed economy? Will continued automation of production bring about a new economic system (automatry)? What is the problem with barter? The economic entity most likely to engage in price gouging is A. a local, regular supplier of the product. The economy of the former Soviet Union is best described as a: a) primitive economy, b) market economy, c) hybrid economy, d) centrally-planned economy. In a capitalist economic system: a) The government owns natural resources. Explain whether the following statement is true or false. All b. How much does it cost to make, who pays that, and are there any special splits of the resulting orders between Amazon and manufacturers? Describe the main differences between a "command/centrally planned economy" and a "free market economy". c. Masculine. Countries Characterized By Socialism Tend To Have High Tax Rates. a) Gold and silver market b) Industrial securities market c) Market for safe (such as government) securities d) Market for software technology/ service products Answer : c Question 2 : Is there … B. a. Identify Coca-Cola's key facts about short-run economic fluctuations and how the economy in the short-run differs from the economy in the long-run. Introducing the Theory of the Firm. Did feudalism bring Europe out of the Dark Ages? Suppose that Manuel is trying to decide how much tuna and chicken to buy for the week. b. by the government only. … a. statesmanship b. hard work c. association d. separation of c... During a war, the government may issue ratio coupons - Meaning the people can only buy some goods. C) a prohibition or... George is planning to export fabrics to the Bahamas. Explain and illustrate the conditions under which two countries can mutually benefit from trading with each other. Economic Systems UNIT THREE NOTES . 1970s. The smaller percentage of one's net budget one has to allocate money to a particular product, the more price inelastic will be the demand for that product. b) means not having to pay taxes. c. by the market only. What are the policy instruments to achieve them? a. Is there a more thoughtful form of government that combines the fairness of Socialism with the motivation of Capitalism? What is the economic system used in China? a) The budget line does not change, b) The budget line shifts parallel inward, c) The budget line shif... Could a nation be better off economically, if it practiced an isolation policy? A) What are some of the advantages and drawbacks to capitalism? EASY. How is it applied to the field of political economy, using the tool? Do you agree or disagree? Compare and contrast consumers in a free-market system, in a mercantilistic system, and in a "mixed economy". The price system A. sends signals to producers. Scarcity, Governments, and Economists. The go... What were the differences in the ideas of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin? Decide whether each of the following descriptions most closely corresponds to being part of a command system, a market system, or a laissez-faire system. The price of popcorn is $3 a bag, and the price of a smoothie is $3. C. Production occurs with decreasi... What are the distinct elements and features that differ between capitalism, planned economies, and mixed economies? What is the goal of a command economic system? An economy without international trade is considered to be in _____. After investigating the trade rules, he found that he can only export limited yards of fabrics to the Bahamas. Economics Quiz Questions with Answers for General Knowledge and Gk. However, the 20th century saw the evolution of the monocentric city into the modern multi-centric cities that we know today. [{Blank}] is the exchange of goods and services for other goods and services. True b. SURVEY . (i.) c. greater competition. We have Provided Poverty as a Challenge Class 9 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. B. sends signals to consumers. B. only taxes retained earnings. a. Access the answers to hundreds of Economic systems questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. easy 140 Questions medium 245 Questions hard 13 Questions. For whom to produce? MCQ Questions for Class 9 Social Science with Answers were prepared based on the latest exam pattern. Angela always takes one cup of cookies with one cup of coffee. Draw a... _______ arises when there is one firm, which produces a good or service that has no close substitutes and in which the firm is protected by a barrier preventing the entry of new firms. The Tea Party suggests that eliminating most of the government and balancing the budget would solve most/all of our economic problems. Chapter 02. Economics is the study of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services whether in a city, country or a single business. Professionals, Teachers, Students and Kids Trivia Quizzes to test your knowledge on the subject. Shouldn't a company keep producing so that even if the pure profit just turns zero? Furthermore, suppose the Federal Reserve decided to address the problem by decr... Why do traditional economic theories of supply and demand not adequately address the economic realities of healthcare delivery in the United States? B. Is there a middle ground between a free market and a government-regulated market? When a peoples make an uneducated vote, particularly on economics, they bring in politicians which push out investors [thus prevent growth] and occasionally push out the local producers. The U.S. economy may most accurately be characterized as: a. a pure market system b. a mixed system dominated by market features c. a mixed system dominated by command features d. a mixed system do... International trade: a) increases consumption possibilities. Let's explore the questions and some answers.
2. 1. The convergence in buyer preferences in countries around the world is referred to as [{Blank}]. b. You can practice these questions before the exam. There are many firms in the industry. ii. Describe how resources are allocated in a market economy. c. an equitable distribution of goods and services. In a market economy, prices: A) reflect the value of a good to society. B. only money matters. Which of the following statements is false? Should p... Are clearly defined property rights the foundation of capitalism? The (blank) tends to have a smaller public sector relative to the total economy. B) reflect the cost to society of making the good. What is the economic system used in Russia? Explain why, in assessing the economic effects of trade, it is important to explain how international trade affects the rate of technological change. We have provided Money and Banking Class 12 Economics MCQs Questions with Answers to help students understand the concept very well. c) have the same effect as an import ban. b. rely on market prices and individual decision-making to yield efficient outcomes. This quiz will test your knowledge and make you aware of types of economy … This situation can be best described a... a. b. decisions by individuals to satisfy their own self-interest. Describe the benefits. Create an account to browse all assets today, Biological and Biomedical Explain the global benefits of international trade and multinational corporations. What are some biblical principles that apply to pricing and allocation of products? What are some unintended consequences of price control? How many o... What kind of economic systems invite corruption and tax evasion? What type of economic policy does this theory call for? In a market system, which of the following enables owners to employ or dispose of their property and money as they see fit? Economics systems differ according to which two main characteristics? If the firm is being operated so as to maximize shareholder wealth, and if our basic assumptions concerning the relationship between risk and return are true, then which of the following should be... Identify the advantages and disadvantages of free market economies. b. relevant spending limits. Get help with your Economic systems homework. It has 40 questions with detailed explanation for all the answers. Relating to economics, define economic system. How may the government address the problems of a free market economy? Is the economic system we've adopted the most productive one in today's world? Browse through all study tools. MEDIUM. How can firms maximize profits? C. the government... Economic systems differ from one another based on who own the factors of production and A. how much resources are available in the economy and where they are located. Unique risk c. Unsystematic risk d. With a correlation of 1.0, no risk will be reduced. d) The domestic government. Given that ABC stock has a required or expected rate of return of 15%, the average market return... Angela spends all her money on magnetometers and food. A. A characteristic of the market system is A. extensive use of direct methods of production. Go ahead and submit it to our experts to be answered. combining aspects of both capitalism and socialism. Household Behaviour. The price of pizza is $20 and the price of tacos is $10. III. Suppose that there are two factors, capital and land, and that the United States is relatively land endowed while the European Union is relatively capital-endowed.

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