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blue skin under cats fur

She may be a good choice for pet parents with allergies because she doesn't shed much and produces lower levels of the glycoprotein Fel d 1, a known allergen, than other cat breeds.. With her triangular-shaped head, the Russian blue is a long and slender cat. Ringworm is another type of fungus that affects cats, especially if they are under age 1. My cat had a small cut on him by his neck (no problem) it turned into a scab to heal but its blue in the spot the cut is. Usually cats with light fur will have pink-ish skin, and cats with dark fur have black/brown skin. I am sorry to hear that your cat's skin has turned blue! These measurements are compared to the skin extensibility index (SEI), which is a scale that shows normal and abnormal ranges of skin extensibility in cats. This affects every tissue in your cat’s body. Areas of skin will be stretched to their maximum point and measured. This rough fur can be accompanied by dandruff, alopecia (hair loss), dry skin and even wounds opening up where the skin breaks. They may be black, brown, grey, pink or red in colour. In the case of cats with blue coats, however, the diluted gene produces a coat color that is various shades of blue-gray. Thank you for your question. In these cases, the bluish discoloration is widespread. You will need to restrict your cat's activity during treatment and possibly after. If fluid does exist, your doctor may perform a needle procedure to remove the fluid so your cat can breathe better. However, you may need urgent treatment, such as supplemental oxygen, if there is insufficient oxygen in your blood. It can be a serious condition with life-threatening consequences for your cat, since his body is not receiving enough oxygen through his blood. Honking cough 6. Here are some of the most common causes in domestic cats. There are several different causes for blue skin and mucous membranes to occur in your cat. Although the most common skin diseases in cats are generally itchy, non-itchy skin diseases include certain types of bacterial and fungal infections, autoimmune diseases, metabolic disorders, and endocrine diseases. This is usually done in the ICU (intensive care unit) in a specially equipped oxygen cage. When there is not enough oxygen being delivered throughout the body, the result is a blueish tint to skin and mucous membranes. Take Zeus to a Veterinarian (regular or emergency) immediately, there is nothing I can recommend you do at home at this point since it seems that he may have been this way for a few days if no water or food was touched. Use short and quick, but gentle, brushing motions. A hypersensitivity to certain substances may explain why a cat has wounds on their skin. Skin cancer in cats can take many different forms, including lesions, ulcers, scabs, warty lumps and bumps on the skin. If your cat's gums are purple or white, you should take it immediately to the veterinary hospital for emergency treatment. Hello, thank you for your question. Blue skin treatments and relief When blue skin is an emergency. Skin problems like dermatitis or scabies, the latter caused by mites which burrow into the skin. A dogs skin color all depends on the color of the fur. He may place your cat in a special oxygen rich chamber to bring his levels up to normal. A blood chemical profile, complete blood count, urinalysis, electrocardiograph (EKG), thoracic radiographs (and echocardiogram with Doppler, if heart or lung disease is suspected), and an electrolyte panel should be ordered to determine the underlying cause of the disease that is causing cyanosis. The blue coat of these cats typically ranges from light ash gray to a steely, dark grey. Cats don't shave. A dry patch here and there or occasional scratching usually isn't something to worry about, but when the scratching goes on for days, or your cat is chewing and licking a specific area obsessively, it may be time to determine if your fur baby has a serious skin condition or irritation. Cats are probably one of the most well-known pets in the western world, and whether you're a cat person or not, everyone can agree that there is such a variety and no two kitties are the same. So, don't worry your baby is just fine. A lump that sits on the surface of the skin and has a definite border is more likely to be a wart, cyst, or harmless skin mass, but it's still important to get lumps checked by a vet. Below is a list of other symptoms that may occur along with the discoloration of skin and gums.Â. Do these sometimes just show up and go away on their own? *Wag! Here are some of the most common causes in domestic cats.Â, Your veterinarian will use a variety of tools to diagnose the cause of cyanosis in your cat. It looks like someone sewed blue fabric on him. Talk to your vet for guidance on whether to give your cats chamomile or not. I hope that all goes well for your cat! I would call your veterinarian tomorrow to ask for other suggestions for flea and tick care, as this product is not very effective at preventing fleas and ticks long-term. Brush toward the end of the hairs (and away from the skin), but start at the end of the mat farthest from the cat’s skin and work your way back into it. ? Blue cat breeds have an intriguing and captivating appearance. Without going into the intense science of it all, selective breeding and mutations in the coat color genes sometimes produce very rare and beautiful colors. Methemoglobinemia is a condition that can be measured; one of the most obvious indications is that the color of the blood will be darker than the bright red it is supposed to be. 1 decade ago. Common symptoms of cat skin conditions. For pleural space disorders, a thoracocentesis (a procedure which removes fluid from the chest cavity) will be required. However big cats, such as tigers, have skin patterns that mirror their fur, ... Polar bears have black skin under their fur, ... have blue and pink rumps that signal their social ranking. If surgery has been performed, your veterinarian will give you medications to use afterward and a detailed account on how to care for your cat once he goes home. MY CAT HAS AN OPEN WOUND ON THE BACK OF HER NECK FROM SCRATCHING DUE TO REVOLUTION REACTION AND I NOTICED THE SKIN IS TURNING BLUE ON ONE SIDE. The recovery process will depend on the cause of cyanosis and the treatment your veterinarian uses. Many causes of blue skin can be addressed at a regular appointment rather than in the emergency room. And no, hairless breeds do exist and all they do is get sunburn. The pads of her feet are a purple color. Veterinarians use the term cyanosis to describe blue skin and gums in cats. That may be a ringworm lesion, or a trauma. In these cases, the cat’s oxygen levels rise as soon as the fluid is removed.Â, Your veterinarian may send you home with a special diet or nutritional supplements for your cat. I noticed the other day a small blue spot on my cats stomach. © 2020 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Either way he has blueish gums, a swollen organ near the hind legs causes him pain to touch,weakness, depression, had like a seizure of sorts getting out of litter box, extremely shaky,and elevated breathing. Oftentimes skin color on a cat reflects hair color, so where there is white hair the skin underneath is white, where there is dark hair the skin underneath is dark. Yes, sun exposure makes the list for cat skin problems, too! Anemia / Lethargy / Paralysis / Poor Appetite / Weakness / Weight Loss, Problems in the spinal cord due to injury, Raised levels of methemoglobin in the body, Ingestion of certain chemicals such as benzocaine or acetaminophen. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM, We adopted a cat a few weeks ago.. we were playing around with her tonight checking to make sure she has no skin bugs with out flash light. add a comment. Norman’s primordial pouch is much smaller. If your dog has white fur it will have pink skin, brown will have tan skin, etc. Harsh sounds upon inhalation 5. That skin is colored by the same chemicals that color their hair, albeit in less vibrant hues. I think he might have ate a rat that might have been poisoned by neighbor or possibly licked some antifreeze. Warmest best wishes, Terri Once your cat is stable, your veterinarian will be able to perform a full physical exam. If bronchopulmonary (lung disease) disease is suspected, a transtracheal wash, a bronchoalveolar lavage or fine-needle lung aspirate may be performed. Hemoglobin is the protein that is responsible for transporting blood throughout your cat’s body. Peek under their tail to see if they need feces snipped out of their fur. As with fur barbering, it can be difficult to tell whether a cat’s licking and scratching is due to itchiness or pain. Odds are your cat's skin color is a lighter version of whatever color or colors his hair is. A dog that has black fur the skin can be anywhere from gray to blueish. Needle aspirations usually do not require long-term or special care. A low-salt diet can be put in place if your veterinarian determines that heart disease is involved. 4) To provide a fat reserve in the event of leaner times. When a cat has two of the recessive d alleles (Maltese dilution), black fur becomes "blue" (appearing gray), chocolate fur becomes "lilac" (appearing light brown), cinnamon fur becomes fawn, and red fur … His symptoms are blue gums it feels like his kidneys may have swelled again (he had a uti last year) he likes to be in the garage. may collect a share of sales or other compensation from the links on this page. When a heart defect is suspected to be the cause of cyanosis, an echocardiogram may be performed. I don’t know what’s going on. Skin scrapings and hair samples may be examined under a microscope to rule out parasites. Its most likely just because of the black fur. Heart murmur 2. Common signs of skin disease in cats include: Excessive scratching, licking, or chewing of the fur, Redness and swelling of the skin, Loss of fur, Scabby, scaly, or flaky skin, and Swellings or bumps on the skin (Figure 2). A blood test will tell your doctor how your cat’s hemoglobin is being affected and if any infections are present. Your veterinarian will first stabilize your cat's oxygen levels. Blue skin on my cat!? It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they will be able to examine them, see what might be going on, and get treatment for them. Your cat's immune system keeps their population in check. On certain areas of my cat the skin is blue. Crackles heard when listening to the lungs 3. Blue tinted skin and mucous membranes in your cat can be troubling to see. Some cats are allergic to the saliva of fleas and even a single bite can trigger a reaction which leads to wounds on their neck and lumbosacral area. But now I'm worried... She definitely wants to be cuddled up and warm a lot. It is important to include information such as onset of symptoms, severity of symptoms and how your cat is behaving. To recognize skin cancer in cats, use your fingers to feel for lumps all over the cat's body and part the fur to look closely at the skin for irregularly shaped lumps with dark pigment. Arterial blood can be taken so that a blood gas analysis can be performed at the laboratory. Veterinarians classify cyanosis into two types: This occurs when the entire systemic blood system in your cat is affected. Look out for any unusual lumps and bumps on your cat and seek veterinary help if you find anything unusual. The Russian blue cat appears to be larger than she is because of her extremely dense, soft double coat. If you are like most cat owners, your cat’s health is of the utmost importance. Without examining your cat, it is very hard for me to know for sure what might be going on. Some cats with blue coats also … Originating in the Neuromusculoskeletal System. Healthy hemoglobin is red in color. Skin Problems. Yes, certain cats do have blue skin. Is this a problem or should I just let it heal on its own?? This test can give your doctor detailed information about the structure of the heart. The breed was developed mainly in England and Scandinavia until after World War II. Muffled heart sounds 4. Other symptoms of dry skin in cats are dandruff-like flakes on their fur and bald spots. It’s easy to jump to conclusions and believe these bumps, or lumps, signify a tumor. While we have already discussed how fleas can irritate a cat's skin, there is another way by which they can do the same. Melody has quite a large primordial pouch which sways when she moves. Cats don't even know that 'colours' exist. In fact, a calico who has patches of black will have blue skin under those and pink skin under the other colors . She's playful and seems to have normal play time with our other cat. Items are sold by the retailer, not Wag!. The most common reason for cat dandruff is dry skin, but it can also be an indicator of a medical condition. First, he will take a detailed medical history from you regarding your cat’s health. If you find yourself telling people, "my cat has dandruff," you’re not alone. If your cat’s blood sugar is low, glucose may be administered to relieve symptoms. Depending on what underlying illness is causing the cyanosis, drugs may be prescribed to treat the condition, or surgery and/or further therapy ordered. Thank you for your question. A urine sample will also be taken and analyzed.Â. ASPCA lists chamomile (leaves, stem, or flowers) as toxic to cats because it has toxic volatile essential oils, meaning that cats shouldn’t eat chamomile. With some "hairless" breeds , such as the sphynx , the short, downy stuff that is almost invisible is usually called "hair." Her belly skin and tail skin is white. Cyanosis most often occurs as the result of inadequate amounts of oxygenated hemoglobin -- the molecule which carries oxygen to the body tissues -- or due to hemoglobin abnormalities. If your pet is weakened from an immune disorder or disease, then the mites may overstep their boundaries and attack living cells. Calico versions, aka tricolor cats, have a significant amount of white in their coat, and the red and black patches are not mottled but form patchwork. The cat threw up yellow bile here and there i thought it was usual hairball of the month. This is a sign of tapeworms. This medical condition is characterized by blue colored skin and mucous membranes. Blue Skin And Mucous Membranes Average Cost, From 404 quotes ranging from $500 - $4,000, Cyanosis is often a frightening symptom for pet owners to see in their beloved cat. 1. You’re sitting at home stroking your cat’s fur after a long day when you feel it: raised bumps on the surface of his skin. Cat Nutrition: What Makes a Nutritional Cat Food? Cats incessantly itch, scratch and bite their fur to alleviate signs of pet allergies and also lick their fur to soothe infections. The treatment plan for cyanosis in your cat will depend on the cause of the condition. Diuretics are often given to help remove fluid if congenital heart failure is diagnosed, A fine needle aspiration may be performed to remove fluid from the chest wall. However, cats with blue coats with an unknown ancestry, or blue-coated cats that do not fall within one of the recognised blue breed headings are generally known as Maltese cats. Peripheral blood disease; Congenital heart conditions; Fluid around the heart; Mitral valve disorder; Blood clot in the lungs; Neurological problems; Brain stem malformations In the video below, you can see my own cats Norman and Melody on the deck. Feeding Kittens 101: What to Feed, How Much, and How Often, Crackles heard when listening to the lungs, Cyanotic, cool, pale, painful, swollen limbs lacking a strong pulse, Larynx (voice box): can be due to paralysis (acquired or congenital); collapse; spasm; swelling; trauma; cancer; chronic inflammatory disease, Trachea: can be due to collapse; neoplasia; foreign body; trauma; underdevelopment, Lower airway: can be due to pneumonia (viral, bacterial, fungal, allergic, mycobacteria, aspiration); chronic swelling of the bronchioles; allergies, asthma; chronic dilation of the bronchioles; cancer; foreign body; parasites; bruising of the lungs; swelling due to inhalation, snake bite, electric shock; near drowning, Pleural space: may be due to air in the chest cavity; infectious (bacterial, fungal, FIP); pus in the chest cavity; blood in the chest cavity; cancer; trauma, Chest wall, or diaphragm: may be related to congenital defects such as hernia around the heart or through the diaphragm (when an organ pushes through the wall, or enclosure that normally contains it); trauma (diaphragmatic hernia, fractured ribs); neuromuscular disease, Acquired disease: may be linked to mitral valve (left side of heart valve between atrium and ventricle) disease; disease of heart muscle, Fluid collection around the heart: due to cancer or unknown causes, Clogging of lung blood vessels with a clot, Pulmonary hypertension: unknown origin (idiopathic); right-to-left cardiac shunts (blood is diverted to another pathway), Brain-stem dysfunction: due to brain swelling; trauma; bleeding; cancer; drug-induced depression of the respiratory center, Spinal cord dysfunction: may be due to swelling; trauma; vertebral fractures; disk slippage, Neuromuscular dysfunction: may be caused by overdose of paralytic drugs; tick paralysis; botulism, Methemoglobin (metHb) binds to water molecules rather than oxygen molecules, Elevated concentrations of methemoglobin in the red blood cells leads to tissue hypoxia due to reduced oxygen carrying capacity of blood, Congenitally acquired NADH-methaemoglobin reductase (NADH-MR) deficiency: deficiency of an intracellular reductive enzyme, which helps keep methemoglobin at levels of less than two percent, preventing cyanosis, May be linked to ingestion of oxidant chemicals: acetaminophen, nitrates, nitrites, phenacetin, sulfonamides, benzocaine, aniline dyes, dapsone. My tabby-coloured Persian X has pink skin, yet my black Siamese X has black skin. Difficulty breathing 7. Right after the war, a lack of numbers of Russian Blues led to cross breeding with the Siamese. Many cats, especially ones allowed outside, develop skin conditions not related to parasites. Contact your vet straight away if your cat is experiencing any of the following symptoms: It isn't uncommon for hairless cats to have dark colored skin, including blue skin. A laryngoscopic (voice box) and/or bronchoscopic (lung airway) exam should be given. I hope that your cat's skin clears up soon! When peripheral cyanosis occurs, blood is not receiving the proper amount of oxygen in certain areas of the body.Â, There are several different causes for blue skin and mucous membranes to occur in your cat. Your cat will need to be kept stabilized by giving it oxygen. While most cats are generally healthy, there are times where unusual symptoms can occur. There are a range of symptoms that can indicate a problem with your cat’s skin. Thus, all calico cats are tortoiseshell, but not all tortoiseshell cats are calico. It is normal for cats with black or gray fur to have blue skin in those areas. With cats, you will often see body hair called fur. There are no at home remedies you can use to treat this condition. There are also many systemic diseases which can lead to our cat's developing a poor coat and rough fur. What you describe could be consistent with staining due to the product itself. If cyanosis is visible to your doctor, he will attempt to increase your cat’s oxygen levels. As such, it's rare you get a look at their skin. You should also check your cat's gums for normal color, making sure they are a healthy pink or reddish color. Skin darkens when it is chronically irritated, and it would probably be a good idea to have your cat seen by a veterinarian to see what might be going on with the skin and what medications may help. Sprayed my kitten 13 weeks old with natural care plus flea and tick spray, and her skin not fur turned blue. Your cat will need treatment. Noticed the skin on her back is blue. This is not caused by disease, but is a direct result of an underlying condition affecting your cat’s health. Unfortunately, cats that are suffering from cyanosis caused by advanced lung/airway disease and severe heart disease have a poor long-term prognosis. These beauties can also have white spots in their fur. Not sure how long it has been there, but from what I can tell my cat is still super active and eats/drinks like normal. Technically, this coat color is a dilute of the gene responsible for producing a black coat in cats. In addition, surgery may be required to repair blockages, remove tumors or remove foreign objects restricting blood flow.Â. Cyanotic, cool, pale, painful, swollen limbs lacking a strong pulse 8. If you spot any tan, rice-sized objects around your cat’s anus, you should bring them to the vet. Here are a few ways this condition may be treated and managed: When oxygen levels are low due to illness such as pneumonia, medications such as antibiotics may be given. I recommend using some water to gently wash off the flea product. I CANT GET HER TO STOP SCRATCHING THE AREA. Grasp the fur closest to the skin and below the tangled area with your free hand, in order to limit tugging on the skin. After taking a history, your doctor will examine your cat. However i left the cat alone for a few days for a small trip and when i got back still hadnt finished its food like normal usually i fill up like a half gallon with his food and another 2 half gallons with water whenever i leave him for more than a day and this time i got back and the food was all there including the water and he is very weak. In healthy cats, they spend their entire life eating dead skin from the safety of their host's hair follicles. We looked up blue skin in cats and this came up. I’m not convinced about this because the primordial pouch is mostly loose skin and fur. The Russian Blue competed in a class including all other blue cats until 1912, when it was given its own class. This condition can appear when your cat’s heart is not effectively pumping enough blood to circulate his body. However, PetMD notes that chamomile may help reduce anxiety, and VCA Hospitals says chamomile herbal tea can soothe and heal an irritated GI in cats with IBD. An ultrasound may be able to reveal fluid in the areas surrounding your cat’s lungs. Terms like " hairballs " are to describe the fur cats swallow and then hack up, while people affectionately refer to their cats themselves as furballs or furkids . She's black and grey tabby. They look how they look and they don't care. Your cat's breathing patterns will also give your veterinarian a clue as to the origin of the cyanosis. Be sure to follow his orders exactly to obtain the best possible outcome for your pet.Â, Your doctor may also recommend that you restrict your cat’s activity level until he becomes stronger and more stable.Â.

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