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benefits of romaine lettuce during pregnancy

It prevents the oxidation of cholesterol, which accumulates in the artery walls as plaque and blocks from the blood flow. With that in mind, it may be hard to imagine eating so much of a vegetable, like lettuce, that you worry about the equivalent of a lettuce overdose. The leaves are more delicate and brittle as compared to other lettuce and tend to get damaged during shipment and delivery; this makes it the least widely grown type. Romaine lettuce health benefits include the ability to aid in a healthy pregnancy. 1. And not unlike other lettuces, Romaine lettuce is also good source of folate and iron. Romaine lettuce nutrition also supplies vitamin A and vitamin C, two antioxidants that play a role in heart health by oxidizing cholesterol and keeping arteries strong. This function of folate is important because, if not converted, homocysteine might cause heart problems. (wild lettuce). But there are some wild breeds of lettuce which make one drowsy. LETTUCE . Also, the studies have shown that Vitamin A can prevent macular degeneration, a major cause of age-related blindness. Lack of enough folate or folic acid can cause birth defects in babies. Not only Romaine lettuce helps those who are trying to lose weight, but it also helps pregnant women preventing congenital disorder. Also, Vitamin A and Vitamin C found in Romaine lettuce helps increase the blood flow, prevent blood clots and other cardiovascular diseases. Dark, leafy lettuces and greens like spinach, arugula, radicchio, and romaine contain more vitamins and nutrients than iceberg lettuce. Now, let’s see what does eating Romaine lettuce do for our body health : Romaine lettuce contains high amount of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Beta-carotene. Study author Amanda Deering, a clinical assistant professor in the department of food science at Purdue University, found that A folate deficiency during pregnancy can lead to birth defects, including spina bifida. First, you will have to discard the tough outer leaves of the lemongrass stalks by peeling them away with your fingers. Benefits of Stretching; 23. It is best to wash romaine lettuce thoroughly and properly before consumption. Vitamin A and C are also responsible to reduce the oxidative stress in the body and p… FOOD BENEFITS GUIDE دليل فوائد الطعام . Different types of lettuce have varying degrees of nutritional value. Although the effect is not as great as Vitamin K, these minerals still give the bone density a good boost and can helps prevent osteoporosis in the later age. This is an excellent soup to have on hot and long summer days. 10. Avocados being a rich … It also rich in Vitamin A, and Vitamin C. (See also : Health Benefits of Eating Garlic Soup). Certain proteins in lettuce (or Romaine lettuce), like lipoxygenase, help control inflammation. This spicy root is also good for mitigating obesity and relief from menstrual pain. Those substances are type of Anti-oxidants. An example of unique lettuce is Romaine lettuce. Also known as cos lettuce, romaine lettuce is known for its nutritional benefits and savory, yet neutral taste. Romaine lettuce is a cool season annual plant which is grown for its loose headed leaves which grows upright from the center of the stem. Alkaline – Minerals present in lettuce helps remove toxins from the body. 10. They also increase blood flow and help prevent blood clots, heart attack and stroke. On a perpetual journey towards the idea of home, he uses words to educate, inspire, uplift and evolve. Iceberg and Romaine . Curcumin can also limit weight gain. With a low level of omega-3 fatty acids, research has shown that this variety of lettuce can improve cholesterol levels. Aids in Digestion . In pregnancy, there is no place for the ifs and buts, and gambling on something can prove fatal both to the pregnant … So the nutritional benefits of romaine lettuce are very helpful for athletes and players, they should consume this food daily. With a very low number of calories and a relatively high amount of fiber, Romaine lettuce is ideal for filling you up without compromising your caloric goals, if you’re trying to lose weight. It has a higher water content than many other types of lettuce. This will notably reduce your risk of atherosclerosis, heart attacks, and strokes. We shall discuss the various benefits and risks of consuming carrots during pregnancy. Health Benefits of Romaine Lettuce Romaine lettuce is a highly nutritious, minimal calorie-containing vegetable with a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. A team of Iranian researchers published a study on ‘Carotenoids and Cancer: Biological Functions’, in the Acta Scientific Pharmaceutical Sciences Journal,  which states that carotenoids could reduce the risk of different disorders such as many forms of cancer. They also help in fighting free radicals and thereby preventing chronic diseases. This type of lettuce grows in a tall head of sturdy leaves and has signature firm ribs down the center. The company posted the announcement on the Food and Drug Administration website Friday. Helps Pregnancy Development. So, you don’t have to worry about getting fat after you eat this vegetable. The lettuce itself grows in a rather tall head of thick, durable leaves, with a solid rib down the middle of each leaf. This variety of lettuce has a rich supply of minerals, ranging from copper and iron to magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus, all of which can help increase bone mineral density. Only lettuce contained in packages with the dates of October 15 or October 16, 2020, are included in the warning. So, if you eat this leafy greens, digestion processes that takes place in your body will work smoothly. Lettuce All salad lettuces are considered safe for consumption during pregnancy, but not all lettuces are created equal. However, the lettuce is packed with nutrients and is significantly low in calories; thus offering a whole range of health benefits. Promotes Digestion. #10: Good during pregnancy and lactation period. Again, Vitamin A and Vitamin C found in Romaine lettuce plays important role here. CDC, New York Times, Time magazine, etc have all just announced that all romaine lettuce has E. coli and we are not to consume or buy any until further notice.

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